Hello once again..!!
the last post we talked about the general pattern of Listening test. We
also discussed what strategies you should use while attempting the
Today we will talk in more detail about different type of questions that we find during the IELTS Listening Test.
- Multiple Choice Questions- Here you will find 4 options to a question and you have to choose the correct answer. The most common problem faced in such kind of questions is that sometimes all the mentioned options in the question are spoken by the speaker. Just because you hear it mentioned, does not make it a correct option. Therefore, be very careful while picking the correct option.
- Sentence Completion- These questions are also a type of MCQ, but they aim to complete a broken sentence.
- Short Answer Questions- In such questions, you need to answer according to the instruction. For example, you are allowed to write “two words and/or a number”. Thus, here you can either write 2 words + a number - eg: 4 butter buns OR you can write just 2 words eg: red flag, OR you can also write two number eg: 2, 4
- Map or Diagram Labelling or Flowcharts-
case of a map, an overview map of a particular place will be provided on
the question paper. During the conversation, there may be two people discussing about how to
reach a particular place (for example, a student guiding another student to reach a particular department in the university)-So you would need
to label the different name of the places/roads etc.
the other hand, in case of a diagram, a diagram is provided on the
question paper (eg, working of a mixing motor). Here maybe a teacher or
an instructor is telling about the work process and you may have to
identify and label the parts or the steps named during the conversation.
Adding in this, a flowchart is set of instructions and you may have to fill the missing steps with appropriate words.
- Form Filling- Such kind of questions are usually found in the 1st section of the test. The information that needs to be filled consists mainly of a person’s name, phone numbers, dates and time.
Tip and Advice:
- Whenever time is given to go through the question paper, always mark the obvious keywords that will help you recognize your answer.
- Also, take care of the spellings, as a correct answer with the wrong spellings is considered as a Wrong answer only.
All these above mentioned questions aim at analyzing your listening skills. With the help of coaching at the Best Ielts Institute in Mohali, you can very well achieve your aim at Phoenix IELTS Academy.
For any assistance, please feel free to contact us any time.